
原创 / 角色/人物/生物 / 6599 81 5 / 2015-08-20 12:46:39 / / 举报




《来,跟随我》Follow Me



此刻新娘做出了她的选择, 是玫瑰和鲜血都愿意给她的人?还是奉献自己所有,且不会贪图她的一切等待着她的人?

Bride has made her choice now. Is the one who willing to give her rose and blood? Or the one who does not covet her but sacrifice himself waiting for her?

爱情使人易痴迷,陷入绝境的深渊而不自知。那些外表艳丽,用尽手段征服你俘获你的芳心的人,就像撒旦一样,伪装成光明的天使要把你从上帝的手中夺走。那些看起来其貌不扬,甚至不是人类的形态,像空气一般存在,无论何时何地,他都会守护着那份重要的承诺,因为他的爱从未改变。人常说 ,不可按着外貌待人。但我们常常就是以貌取人。


Love makes people obsessed, falling into abyss without even knowing it. Those with gorgeous appearanceby all means to conquer your heart, they act as Satan transformedinto an angel of light in order to take you away from God.For those with unattractive appearance existing as air, even without a human appearance, He protects his commitments no matter when and where because his love never changes. As per old saying, do not judge a book by its cover, but we always do.

You shall find the key if look closer to it.

制作灵感Creation Inspiration

大约在一年前我开始思考一个问题,如果可以回到过去更改,我会选择什么呢?我几乎把能想过的事情都想了一遍。我想,或许是想成为一个善于表达想法的人,那样就不会在我陈述一件事情后看到对方奇怪的表情,好像在说“你在说什么....”,我的内心是细腻的丰富多彩的,我多么希望自己不要那么内向。对我来说最重要的选择是什么呢?就是在耶稣对我说 “来,跟从我”的时候,我义无反顾的跟随了祂。我不断的向他祷告向他忏悔自己的罪。

I started to think a question about a year ago. If I can go back time, what would I chose? I almost thought about everything I could. I probably would like to be a person who is good at express thoughts. As a result, I would not get an wearied facial expression saying‘what are you talking about’from others. I am thoughtful and diversive inside. I deeply hope I am not introvert. What is the most important decision made to me? It is when Jesus said ‘Follow me’, I followed him without turning back. I constantly prayed to confess my sins.

我要大声说出来To say out loud



We do not decide our birth and it is not by our request to have body and undying soul.  My appearance is not coincident. God took me out of my mother’s bowels. God loves me before times. As bible says, Jesus provides the way to heaven. However, Satan blinds your eyes with withered rose that satisfyyou in this life and take you apart from the way to heaven.

No matter if you have told your standpoint publicly, you are in one or in another, because soul must belong in one of two sides.




Follow me

All we like sheep have goneastray; we have turned everyone to his own way. We always make mistakes, but we cannot change what is passed. God loves us as who we are, no matter what we have done wrong in the past or in the future. He never detests us. Instead, He expects us to have his glory gradually and promise us eternal life to enjoy all the fullness.


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